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Contact Us

President - Mia Huovilainen
070-821 31 17

Vice President - Axel Simonsson
070-821 31 19

Become a Student Representative

Are you interested in becoming a student representative for LUS? That's great! We have many different positions to choose from. You can find a list of all the positions here. This page describes how to become a student representative. If you have any questions about a position or the election process, just email

Ordinary Elections

LUS holds ordinary elections for various positions three times a year.

  • March – LUS Presidium

  • May – Remaining positions as student representatives


  • December - Foundations boards

Ordinary elections are held at the Valting, which is one of the decision-making bodies of LUS. The Valting consists of representatives from all student unions. All positions elected at the Valting are listed here. If you wish to apply for a position at an ordinary election, please send an email to You will then be contacted by the Nomination Committee with further information on the election process. After the Nomination Committee has reviewed all candidates for the position, the Nomination Committee will select the candidate they will nominate for election to LUS Valting. If you are one of the candidates, you will be expected to attend LUS Valting, either in person or digitally. At the meeting, you will be asked to give a short presentation about yourself and why you want the position, as well as answer questions from the unions. For a more detailed description of the election read How Does the Election Work? a little further down the page.

If you are not nominated by the selection committee for the position, you have the opportunity to counter-candidate for the election. This is done by emailing a justification as to why you want to apply for the It is also possible to counter-candidate for a position for which the selection committee has not nominated anyone. Anyone running against a post is expected to participate in the election either physically or digitally. How the meeting with the electoral college takes place is described above. It is the election committee that makes the final decision on who gets a post, the election committee's nomination is a recommendation to the election committee, but it is possible to be elected to a post also through counter-candidacy.


As LUS has many positions to elect student representatives for, there are usually vacancies even after the regular elections. It is possible to fill these positions through by-elections during the financial year. In the vacant column on this page, you can see which positions are available to apply for. Once you know which position you are interested in, send an email to specifying your interest. You will then receive information on when an election will be held. The election always takes place at a meeting where all student unions are represented and it is the union representatives who vote in the election.

If the election is urgent, the election will take place at a meeting with Ordförandekollegiet (the presidents of all the student unions). These meetings occur every Friday morning. If the election is not urgent, it will take place at a meeting with LUS Ting, which occurs approximately once a month in the evening. Ideally, candidates should be able to attend the elections, either in person or digitally. At the meeting, you will be asked to give a short presentation about yourself and why you want the position, as well as answer questions from the unions.

How Does an Election Work?

Whether the elections take place at a meeting with Ordförandekollegiet, LUS Ting or Valting, the election process is the same for the candidates. The Chairman of the meeting will lead the process and representatives from Lund's nine different student unions will vote in the elections. Step by step, the following is generally the procedure for a candidate:

  1. The Chairman of the meeting reads out the names of all the candidates running for the position.

  2. The candidates introduce themselves and why they have applied for the position, as well as answer any questions from the meeting's participants.  Usually, the Nominating Committee's nominees go first, followed by counter-candidatures.

  3. The candidates leave the room while the student unions discuss and decide who should be given the position.

  4. Once the election is over, the candidates are called back into the room to hear the results of the election.

If you are unable to attend, you will be asked to submit a text explaining who you are and why you want the position. The student unions will then consider your submitted text when making their selection.

After You Have Been Elected

Once you have been elected to a position, you will be contacted by LUS Presidium via email with information about what your position entails. If you have applied for a position as a student representative in a non-LUS body, LUS Presidium will inform the body that you are the new student representative. You will then receive information about the next meeting from that body. If you have any questions after the election or if you find that it is taking an alarmingly long time to hear from the body to which you have been elected, just send an email to and we will help you sort out any issues.

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